School Improvement


Every year we analyse our assessment results from end of Foundation Stage, end of Key Stage 1 and end of Key Stage 2. We also look at the progress of pupils in Nursery, Year 1, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. We study these figures to help us establish our priority areas for the coming year.

We measure our figures against figures given to us by the Department of Education and this helps us to establish where our pupils are against national standards.

We complete a detailed Self- Evaluation called the SEF. This brings together data analysis, feedback from classroom observations, pupils' book scrutiny and discussions about learning with the pupils undertaken by the Senior Leadership team and Governors. It helps us establish targets for the pupils, the Key Stages and for the whole school. Through our plan we are pro-active and strive to tackle areas of under-achievement in our pupils. In our plan we also include areas that we want to develop further around the school or projects that we are involved in.

The aim of our school improvement plan is to improve outcomes for all pupils.
School Self-Evaluation (SEF) and Improvement Plan (AIP) 2020
Every year, to help us with school improvement, we survey our children and families.  This helps us to analyse our strengths and weaknesses and decided on areas for development.  Please see below for this year's results: